Darin Rhodes

You know you need a killer CRM but you don't know where to go or how to use it. I'm here to close the gap.

About Darin Rhodes

Hi, I'm Darin Rhodes.

I LOVE to make marketing simple, easy, and effective with innovative ideas and solutions.

If you're a small business owner, marketing can be so overwhelming and challenging, that often times it can lead to immobilization of your efforts and a loss of substantial money.

As the founder of TruePartner, my main focus is to help you know that in today's golden age of technology, marketing can be EASY especially with the right tools.

If you're like me, you've probably found that the marketing world is full of opinions, complications, confusing technology, and overwhelm.

How many times have you bought the latest software or marketing program, just to leave it sitting in its package on the shelf?

The fact is it doesn't need to be this way.

I'm Darin Rhodes and my strength is taking the complicated and making it clear, easy, and profitable.

When you know what to do, what to say, and have the tools to magnify your reach, your life will change.

Almost instantly.

Darin Rhodes

Old-school marketing strategies mixed with cutting edge innovation.

How Darin Can Help You

Darin has been in the mortgage business for 22+ years. With a plethora of CRM's on the market, he has tried them all and has finally found that perfect CRM solution,TruePartner. You know you need a killer CRM, that is lightning fast, easy to use, affordable, and that has cutting edge innovation. Darin is here to close the gap.

As a tech-savvy marketer, Darin leverages the latest tools and technology to stay ahead of the curve and deliver results. He utilizes advanced marketing strategies to accelerate and drive leads.

Darin has been directly involved in small business marketing ever since pursuing an advertising degree from BYU in 1998.

He holds and extensive background in marketing and loves innovative ways to make marketing easy and highly effective for his clients.

Facilitating mastermind groups of like-minded professionals is one of his favorite things to do.

Darin wants everyone to reach much higher successes, and gathering with others is a key way he does that.

What do you want to know?

BUT, I'm guessing you don't really care about this personal stuff.

You really only care to find strategies, expertise and an approach that can help you build your business massively, effectively, and efficiently.

And that's good.

I'm in my late 40's and I live with my wife, Stacie, and our six children near Salt Lake City. We all love music, though the "family band" is no where near hitting the road for shows.

I love jamming to some good 80's tunes, playing volleyball, going to the lake, and traveling, especially if it's with my family.

Also, we had over 30 chickens until raccoons snuck in one night and killed them all.

First rehearsal of the "family band" yielded good times and hilarious musical results.

What's with all the cars on this website?

Cool cars give the combination of power, speed, and great performance. Their sleek designs, superb engineering, and cutting-edge technology make them stand out from the rest leaving nothing to chance.

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